Top 7 Locations Where Using Your Credit Card Could Be Risky

Top 7 Locations Where Using Your Credit Card Could Be Risky

Credit card fraud is a persistent and widespread issue, and debit cards are also at risk of being stolen. In 2020, the Federal Trade Commission recorded 66,090 cases of credit card fraud. It’s crucial to understand where the risks lie to better protect yourself from those who aim to steal your information.

For years, thieves have been skimming debit and credit card information from ATMs. The introduction of chip cards was partly to combat this, but thieves have adapted with devices called “shimmers” that can read chip-based cards.

**Gas Stations**
Gas stations are prime targets for credit card thieves due to the high volume of customers and minimal supervision. Thieves often install skimmers and tiny cameras to capture PINs. The problem is significant enough that the Secret Service found nearly 200 skimmers at 400 gas stations during a 2018 crackdown.

**Mobile Vendors**
While many mobile vendors are legitimate, some may use card skimmers. At events like festivals, fairs, and concerts, it can be hard to tell if a vendor is trustworthy, making your card vulnerable.

**Dining Establishments**
In some restaurants, your card is taken out of sight to be swiped, which can be risky. Unscrupulous staff could use skimmers to steal your card information and charge more than just your meal.

**Chain Retailers**
Large chain stores might seem safer due to their security resources, but they are also attractive targets for thieves. Some have experienced data breaches, including Target and TJX, which operates T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s.

**Online Retailers**
Online transactions expose your credit card information at multiple points. It can be stolen by malware on your device, intercepted during transmission, or through a data breach at the retailer.

**Anywhere That Stores Information**
The risk doesn’t end after you swipe your card. Any business that stores your credit card number could suffer a data breach, giving hackers access to your information. This has affected both large and small businesses across various industries.

**How To Protect Your Credit Card**
While you can’t completely eliminate the risk of credit and debit card theft, you can take steps to protect your information.

**Use High-Visibility ATMs**
Choose ATMs in high-traffic, well-lit areas, preferably inside secure locations like banks, to reduce the risk of skimmers.

**Check Readers at Gas Stations**
Before using a card at a gas station, inspect the pump’s reader for signs of tampering, such as abnormal stickers, a “void” inspection seal, or loose parts. If anything looks suspicious, pay inside at the cash register to minimize the risk of theft.